Help: Extension

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The application is available on the Chrome Web Store and for Firefox

Source code

CaptainFact's extension is fully open sourced (GPL3/AGPL3). The main repository is available here:

The extension also make use of another internal project which injects facts into HTML videos in javascript:


Why do you need storage permissions ?

We store a local cache of videos ids that exist on CaptainFact. This cache gets updated when you visit Youtube if it's older than 15 minutes. This is a privacy improvement that guarantees we don't track the videos you're watching and don't send unnecessary requests.

Why do you need Youtube permissions ?

To be able to inject the facts overlay on Youtube videos.

Why do you only inject on and not in embedded players everywhere else ?

We may want to implement this in a separate release in the future. We don't want to implement this feature in main extension cause it means asking for permissions to access all your sites.

Can I add sources on videos directly from the extension ?

Not at the moment.